Saturday, March 15, 2014


I know that I just blogged the other day, but so much happened this week that I need to post again!  This Friday we had our third ultrasound just to make sure all is good with the baby.  I have been measuring pretty small, and haven't gained very much weight since being pregnant- so Dr. Flanagan ordered an ultrasound to check that the baby is growing properly and to check the fluid levels.  We don't know the results yet, and may get a phone call next week if anything is up.

Anyways, it was an amazing experience!  We were able to see the baby sucking on it's fingers, and sticking out it's tongue!  The baby was practicing breathing, and we could see it's little heart beating. This time around, I asked the clinic if I could bring my Mom as well as Ryan and they said yes!  It was such fun to share this experience with Ryan and Mom- I know it will be a day we won't soon forget:)

Here is a side profile pic of Baby Klassen.  The baby was pretty cramped in there, so this is the clearest picture we were able to get!

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Well, here we are at 32 weeks!

 This is my last week of work- I wanted to be finished at the beginning of April, but because of Spring Break during the last two weeks of March, the preschool is closed anyways!  If I am being completely honest, I am really sad to be finished.  I love my job and am always happy to go to work.  I am feeling great, although it is getting harder to pick things up off the floor and our couch is not comfortable anymore!

We have another ultrasound tomorrow just to see how things are going in there- I am not very big for 32 weeks, so we are just being proactive to make sure the baby is growing and happy.  We are looking forward to seeing our little Baby Klassen again :)

I am having a harder time finding clothes that fit (and still look nice) so Ryan bought me this beautiful grey maxi dress from Target.  Honestly, I want to wear it every day for the rest of this pregnancy, and maybe every day afterwards!

Thanks for reading:)