Friday, January 24, 2014


So, I had a panic moment the other day at work when someone asked how far along I am and I said 5 months, then I told her that I am 25 weeks and she said that I am in my third trimester already.  She was wrong about the trimester part because the third trimester starts at week 28, but I do have my counting off- again!

This is the most confusing thing about pregnancy!  I thought that I was fully five months, going into my sixth month, but really I am fully 6 months pregnant...  I didn't realize that there are different ways of calculating the month- by the lunar calendar or the monthly calendar!  And I always thought that you are only pregnant for nine months, but really it is ten...  Are you guys confused as well?

So I have to apologize for my last post- because it is wrong.  I guess in my 24th week I am 6 months pregnant, not five...  From now on I am going to do away with the months and simply go by the weeks!  That way I can avoid confusion and feelings of panic when talking about it.  On Sunday I will be 26 weeks along- that's all I know :) 

Friday, January 17, 2014


I can't hardly believe that five months have gone by this quickly!  Christmas seems to make everything go by faster- we are preparing, then celebrating, then all of a sudden it is January!

We had a wonderful Christmas holiday- Ryan had to work quite a bit, but we still managed to fit in all the dinners and presents and outdoor fun.

I am currently 24 weeks pregnant- 5 months along.  This thought does send a wave of panic- I guess this little baby is coming- ready or not!  I am trying to be calm and prayerful, but really am very scared.  Hopefully I can read lots of books and get this house in order by May!  It seems like a daunting task.  It would help if I didn't feel so very lazy all the time :)

As you can see from this picture taken last Sunday, I have really begun to show!  Over Christmas my belly seemed to pop- hopefully it is all baby and not all turkey...  Overall, I am feeling great and happy that my expensive maternity pants are fitting nicely!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Happy New Year!

So far in this pregnancy, we have had the privilege of having two ultrasounds already!  The first one was at 12 weeks, and was the most amazing experience ever.  It really made everything feel real.  What a beautiful sight to see your little one for the very first time!  There were tears in my eyes and I could see a wonderful pride in Ryan's eyes.

Our second ultrasound was just a little while ago, at 20 weeks, on December 20th.  Although we had a bit of a struggle getting to the clinic on time, and I had drank too much water and was terribly uncomfortable- it was also an amazing experience!  There was an accident on the highway and we had to take a detour around the mill, making us late and more nervous...  I learned a good lesson that day- they may say to drink a liter of water to prepare, but my bladder is unable to fit that much water!

All the stress getting to the clinic made it a little hard to relax and enjoy ourselves, but the pictures turned out really good and our baby looked so beautiful and healthy.  Well worth the crazy trip into town!

This one is my favorite- the baby's profile looks like Ryan! :)

So cute, all curled up with hands beside it's head.

Ryan's favorite- turn your head to the right and imagine the baby peeking it's head out from the shadows...
We decided not to find out the gender of our baby and keep it a surprise until May!  Right now I do feel like it might be a boy- mostly because the profile in that one picture looks so much like Ryan... Only God knows!